We are a registered charity that provides physiotherapy treatment in local surgeries and for patients in their own homes.
Mobile Physio provides around 5000 treatments a year for over 1000 patients, and aims to extend, not duplicate, the local service available from the NHS, with which it works closely.
Currently, Mobile Physio has an annual contract with the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board. This covers the basic cost of treatments in surgeries, but not the full Mobile Physio service.
Costs of administration are kept very low thanks to the invaluable work of volunteers, but Mobile Physio is still heavily dependent on grants, donations and legacies from private sources, and from fundraising events.

Our physiotherapists treat adults (18+) for a wide range of musculoskeletal problems, from tennis elbow to policeman’s heel. The most common conditions they are asked to treat are low back pain, shoulder and neck pain and knee injuries.
About 80% of treatments are carried out in the surgery, but an important aspect of our service is the ‘mobile’ part of Mobile Physio. When a journey to the surgery may be difficult, uncomfortable or impossible, we can bring treatment and advice to people in their own homes, generally for our most elderly patients.

South West Surrey Mobile Physiotherapy Service (SWSMPS) was founded in 1947, which means it pre-dates the NHS. At that time, it was difficult to access physiotherapy in rural areas and so Lady Daphne Heald of Chilworth Manor, along with friends and colleagues, set up the SWSMPS to address this problem.
Our dedicated team of physios are fully qualified and are all registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and the Health & Care Professions Council. They take their continuing professional development seriously and regularly attend updating courses and training programmes to ensure that they meet the exacting standards required by modern medicine in line with NHS clinical governance.
We are fortunate to receive a certain amount of funding from the NHS, but this is subject to an annual contract and we cannot rely on it always being forthcoming. And even if it were, the funding is limited to in-surgery treatment and does not to cover the invaluable service our physios provide in the community. For this we rely on donations from individuals, groups and councils, and from fundraising events.
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